Important Things to Know When Requesting for Sandbox Refresh in NetSuite
1. Only users with Administrator role can initiate or request for Sandbox Refresh.
2. If you have multiple Sandbox Accounts associated to one single production account and you would only wish to refresh one of these accounts, verify the sandbox account number of the account you need to refresh. It is important to log in first on each sandbox account and make sure you set a unique ID for each by renaming the Company Name under Setup > Company > Company Information.
3. To request for sandbox account to be refreshed, Administrator can login to production account and navigate to Setup > Company > Company Management > Sandbox Accounts
4. Administrator can choose to allow all production users or only those with Administrator role once the sandbox is refreshed.
5. Once NetSuite receives the request for Sandbox Refresh, this will be processed immediately and the account becomes unavailable for use. This will remain offline until the completion of refresh.
6. The refresh status is available on the Sandbox Accounts page. Once the refresh status is ‘Complete’, the account becomes online and accessible again.
7. After the refresh, the following data is not copied from Production to Sandbox.
- Websites and web store domains
- Customer Center role assignments for customer users
- Inbound single sign-on mappings
- System notes on records
- SuiteFlow (workflow) history logs
- 2FA by SMS – Mobile number
- Tokens created in production environment
- Integration records
Last Update: June 29, 2017